Source / Auteur  Intitulé    Langues Date REF
Transparency International  iconePromise and peril : Blockchain, Bitcoin and the fight against corruption Hors Presse
fr / es / de 
po / en
31.01.18   41431 
Euronews  iconeBatoumi, la clinquante station balnéaire géorgienneDocuments
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po / en
05.09.17   41381 
Pierre Lascar & Ilioné Schultz / France 24  iconeL’Abkhazie, le pays qui n’existe (presque) pasPresse
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po / en
30.09.16   40452 
Shorena Tkeshelashvili / Chai Khana / Globalvoices  iconeAprès le conflit de 2008, comment les femmes d'un village de Géorgie ont fait la guerre aux stéréotypes de genreDocuments
fr / es / de 
po / en
20.09.16   40453 
GlobalVoices  iconeElargissez vos horizons cinématographiques avec ces 16 films d'ailleurs Presse
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po / en
24.01.16   39094 
Joseph Larsen / GlobalVoices  iconeGéorgie – Occident, début de désamourAnalyse
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po / en
15.06.15   38414 
Commission européenne  iconeEU-Georgia sign financing agreement in support of regional developmentHors Presse
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18.11.14   37711 
Fondation Robert Schuman  iconeL'Union européenne face à la guerre russo-géorgienneHors Presse
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po / en
01.09.08   30246 
International Herald Tribune  iconeGeorgia crisis could thwart EU project to bypass Russia for natural gasPresse
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po / en
28.08.08   30231 
International Herald Tribune  iconeConflict in Georgia narrows oil options for WestPresse
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po / en
14.08.08   30133 
Público (Portugal)  iconeBush apoia entrada da Ucrânia e Geórgia na NATO Presse
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01.04.08   29159 
Human Rights Watch  iconeRusia persigue a georgianos para expulsarlos Hors Presse
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po / en
01.10.07   27691 
Público (Portugal)  iconeRússia impõe bloqueio e não exclui intervenção armada na GeórgiaPresse
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po / en
03.10.06   24837 
Caucaz europenews  iconeL’enclavement de la Djavakhétie, symptôme des difficultés de l’Etat-nation en Géorgie ?
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po / en
20.03.06   23018 
ONU / UN  iconeUNOMIG mission in Georgia
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30.04.05   19659 
ABC  iconeGeorgia ordena un bloqueo total contra la región separatista de AdjariaPresse
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po / en
16.03.04   11834 
BBC  iconeGeorgia tiene nuevo PresidentePresse
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po / en
25.01.04   11196 
The Moscow Times  iconeU.S. Backs Georgia in Russian Base SpatPresse
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po / en
14.01.04   11069 
ABC  iconeWashington ofrece financiar la retirada de las bases militares rusas en Georgia
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14.01.04   11068 
The Guardian  iconeUS privatises its military aid to GeorgiaPresse
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po / en
06.01.04   10976 
El Mundo (España)  iconeEl opositor Saakachvili logra el 95% de los votos en GeorgiaPresse
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po / en
05.01.04   10947 
Público (Portugal)  iconeGeórgia elege um presidente e define o seu lugar no mundo Presse
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po / en
04.01.04   10951 
The Moscow Times  iconeGeorgian Leader Wants Russians OutPresse
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po / en
02.12.03   10600 
CNN  iconePowell: Russia - Hands off GeorgiaPresse
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po / en
02.12.03   10599 
El Tiempo (Colombia)  iconeNecesidad elecciones en Georgia marcó cumbre europea
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po / en
01.12.03   10594 
The Moscow Times  iconeGeorgian Regions Stand FirmPresse
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po / en
01.12.03   10560 
The Moscow Times  iconeKremlin Hopes for Friendlier GeorgiaPresse
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po / en
25.11.03   10443 
The Independent  iconeGeorgia's new leader appeals to Washington for emergency aidPresse
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po / en
25.11.03   10441 
The Guardian  iconeUS offers aid for Georgia pollPresse
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po / en
25.11.03   10428 
El Mundo (España)  iconeEl Tribunal Supremo anula por fraudulentos los resultados de las elecciones legislativas en GeorgiaPresse
fr / es / de 
po / en
25.11.03   10426 
articles 1-30 / 37     1 - 2     >>>
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Promise and peril : Blockchain, Bitcoin and the fight against corruption

Source : Transparency International
One example of a cryptocurrency, bitcoin is a decentralised digital currency based on a peer-to-peer payment system built on cryptographic principles. Rather than data being stored on one central server, it is simultaneously stored on nodes in a system where each node communicates with the others to record and verify each transaction.
Information is publicly recorded in ‘blocks’. Blocks are simply collections of data and can store any type of data; bitcoin is only one of the many applications of the technology. Blocks contain not only the data that was recently stored in them, but all previous data points. This makes it possible to link one block to its previous block, creating a chain of information. This is why the underlying technology of the bitcoin system is referred to as a blockchain.

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