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The New York Times  iconeMalala Yousafzai Returns to Pakistan for First Time Since AttackPresse
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Qantara  iconeHonour killings in Pakistan: Little hope of changeHors Presse
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Malala Yousafzai Returns to Pakistan for First Time Since Attack

Source : The New York Times
Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist for girls’ education and the world’s youngest Nobel laureate, returned to Pakistan early Thursday in her first visit since an attack by Taliban militants gravely wounded her in 2012.
Her homecoming was wrapped in relative secrecy, and details of her visit have not been publicly confirmed.
But Ms. Yousafzai, now 20 and studying at Oxford, is expected to stay mostly in Islamabad, the capital, during her four-day visit, where she met with Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on Thursday.

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