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Printemps arabe
Source / Auteur  Intitulé    Langues Date REF
Rami G. Khouri / Agence Global  iconeWhy it is critical to focus on AljazeeraAnalyse
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04.07.17   41328 
Charles THEPAUT, Pierre VERLUISE / Diploweb  iconeComment comprendre le monde arabe ?
Entretien avec Charles Thépaut, diplomateAnalyse
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26.04.17   41134 
Azmi Bishara / Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies  iconeThe Army and Political Power in the Arab Context: Theoretical Problems Analyse
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09.04.17   41220 
Arab Center For Research & Policy Studies  iconeMain Findings of the 2016 Arab Opinion IndexAnalyse
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13.03.17   41021 
Kareem Chehayeb / Open democracy / Qantara  iconeDie Saat für die nächste Arabellion
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11.01.17   40918 
Ishac Diwan / Project Syndicate  iconeLa majorité silencieuse arabe doit prendre la paroleAnalyse
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13.07.16   40099 
Amira Al Hussaini / GlobalVoices  iconeLes Syriens marquent les cinq ans de la révolution par des manifestations Hors Presse
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16.03.16   39470 
France 24  iconeRêves démocratiques, pauvreté, terrorisme... Les Tunisiens divisésDocuments
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14.03.16   39550 
Anne-Clémentine LARROQUE, Fabien HERBERT, Pierre VERLUISE, Selma MIHOUBI / Diploweb  iconePrintemps arabes : bilans géopolitiques ?
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10.03.16   39420 
John Andrews / Project Syndicate  iconePlus de guerre que de paixHors Presse
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12.02.16   39221 
Axelle DEGANS / Diploweb  iconeSynthèse de l’actualité internationale de janvier 2016Hors Presse
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31.01.16   39138 
Qantara  iconeWas vom Frühling übrig bliebHors Presse
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25.01.16   39097 
Qantara  iconeDer Effekt von SchmetterlingsschlägenAnalyse
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20.01.16   39076 
Libération  iconeQuatre ans après la mort de Kadhafi, son héritage pèse toujours sur la LibyePresse
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20.10.15   38661 
Deutsche Welle  iconeOpinion: Arab states are failing refugees in the Middle EastPresse
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11.09.15   38580 
Marcia Lynx Qualey / Qantara  iconeSpeaking out in societies without wordsPresse
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09.04.15   38223 
Qantara  iconeInterview mit Sari Nusseibeh. Das Ende der ZweistaatenlösungAnalyse
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13.03.15   38118 
Qantara  iconeStrategie des Westens im Mittleren OstenAnalyse
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05.02.15   38042 
Kristin Helberg / Qantara  iconeFriedensinitiativen für Syrien. Lokal verhandeln, international durchsetzenAnalyse
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02.02.15   37995 
Qantara  iconeDie Illusion der Revolutionäre. Die Revolution vom 25. Januar 2011 und ihre FolgenAnalyse
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19.12.14   37843 
CETRI  iconeFarouk Mardam-Bey : « La Syrie ne mérite pas cela »Analyse
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15.12.14   37849 
Le Figaro  iconeLes destins contrastés des chefs d'État du printemps arabeAnalyse
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01.12.14   37773 
Courrier International  iconeBachar El-Assad : un "Syrial winner"
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13.09.14   37458 
Victor Salama / Freemuse / GlobalVoices  iconeTrois ans après le printemps arabe, les musiciens tunisiens et égyptiens luttent toujours contre la censurePresse
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29.08.14   37366 
Faraj Sarkohi / Qantara  iconeFünf Jahre "Grüne Bewegung" im Iran: Vergangenheit und GegenwartAnalyse
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20.06.14   36986 
Qantara  iconeFrauenbewegungen in den arabischen Umbruchstaaten: Prinzip HoffnungHors Presse
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05.06.14   36989 
26 articles
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Why it is critical to focus on Aljazeera

Source : Rami G. Khouri / Agence Global
To grasp quickly the core of the Saudi Arabian and United Arab Emirates (UAE) accusations against Qatar, it is best to focus on the demand that the Aljazeera television, radio, and online network should be closed, along with half a dozen other media operations that Qatar initiated or funds. Aljazeera has become a proxy of sorts for all the things that the Saudi-Emirati camp fears will happen in the Arab region and inside their own borders — free flow of information, public debate of ideas, peaceful contestation among different social and political ideologies, all quarters of society holding each other accountable through constitutional means, and activist citizen organizations engaging each other and their governments in a public sphere.

The Saudi-Emirati demand to close Aljazeera mirrors the central modern Arab tradition since the 1950s of governments tightly controlling the flow of information and facts and the exchange of ideas in society. This has destroyed much of the human vitality and national integrity of many Arab societies, leading to the sad, violent state of our region today. It is no surprise that some Arab elites want to keep things this way; Aljazeera shows that the majority of Arab men and women want otherwise.

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