Ref. :  000040434
Date :  2016-05-23
langue :  Anglais
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Reimagining Progress - "Voices from the Ecuadorian Amazon" Film Trailer

“We’re not talking about the conservation of our territory or this forest alone, we’re talking about the conservation of the planet!” – Patricia Gualinga (Sarayaku Community)…

Select ´CC´ button for English subtitles. Full HD video quality recommended (click on the ‘HD’ sign on the bottom right hand side of the video and select ´1080p´).

´Reimagining Progress- Voices from the Ecuadorian Amazon´ Film Trailer (Full HD 1080p recommended) from Reimagining Progress Film on Vimeo.

Any donations would be greatly appreciated to get the documentary made as we begin the editing of the film.

‘Reimagining Progress- Voices from the Ecuadorian Amazon‘ is a feature-length documentary film currently being made in the Ecuadorian Amazon alongside the indignenous Sapara and Kichwa communities.

It will examine key aspects of the hugely rich and diverse indigenous cultures, including their cosmovision and unique approach to life in the rainforest as well as the key threats which they are currently facing.

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