Ref. :  000039503
Date :  2016-07-07
langue :  Anglais
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Countdown to the 7th World social forum on migrations in São Paulo, 7-10 July 2016

The World Social Forum on Migrations (WSFM) was born as a key feature of the World Social Forum, and was first held in Porto Alegre in 2005. This year, São Paulo in Brazil will be hosting the forum from 7 to 10 July 2016 under the slogan "Migrants: building alternatives to disorder and the global capital crisis".

The collective aspect of the Forum is based on a democratic exchange of ideas and experiences, and intercultural dialogue. As a migrant, a citizen or an excluded individual, we would like to hear from you and of your concerns and suggestions. This space is of course borderless and open to you. You may wish to join the organising committees (mobilisation, documentation, programming, communication, culture and entrepreneurship, and finances), carry out activities to promote the forum, or participate in the various events, presentations and debates. We share here the topics discussed at the last plenary meeting held in São Paulo on 20 February. Registration gets under way on 25 March!

Major themes

1. Systemic crisis of the capitalist model and its consequences for migrations
2. Resistance and alternatives for migrants
3. Migrations, gender and body
4. Human rights, habitat, decent work, political participation and social movements
5. Migration, rights of Mother Earth, climate and the North-South dispute
6. Right to the city, social inclusion and migrants as citizens.

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